Welcome to Barbara and Janet


The Corporation has signed a contract with Janet Helmer to provide Parish Nursing services for St Mark’s. Janet starts this week, and is expected to join us at both services on Sunday. Janet can be reached at the church at 613-224-7431 extension 202, and by email at janet(at)stmarksottawa(dot)ca. Welcome aboard Janet!

As well, in case you missed it on the first Sunday in August, Barbara Hallam-Price joined St Mark’s Ministry Team as Interim Director of Music. She is easily reached by calling her home at (613) 837-8032, and at bhallam-price(at)rogers(dot)com.

Office hours remain as they were at the end of June: Monday through Thursday, from 9 am to 12 noon, when Margaret will be available to take your call and assist you. Please take note that Margaret’s old email address is retired. If you want to reach the office, use stmarks(at)stmarksottawa(dot)ca.

My email address is best used for personal matters, and for private correspondence. I encourage everyone to please use it freely. That said, if you’re trying to reach me on church business at the church office, please consider using stmarks(at)stmarksottawa(dot)ca. Margaret and I can better assist you as a team, and this shared address is the best way to get to us.

The four of us are planning to meet regularly on Tuesday mornings, so if you happen to get the answering machine, please leave a message. We’ll be sure to call right back.
