Update – Ministry Assessment Process


MAP update – March, 2013

On February 24, Vestry approved a motion to use the Ministry Assessment Process (MAP) to move forward in conversations with St Michael and All Angels and St Richard’s to explore our opportunities for shared ministry. The same motion was passed at the Vestries of the other two churches.

Stage 1 of the process (called The Beginning in the picture below) consisted of the Town Hall meeting that took place on February 2 at St. Richard`s. Results from that initial meeting are now posted in Bishop Reed Hall.

Currently, the MAP team has begun working on Stage 2, the Design, which consists of identifying the questions that parishes want to consider through MAP and a timeline for completing the other steps in the process.

The questions we set at this stage are meant to respond to the overall challenge: what is God calling us to be and do?

The questions could include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. What does healthy sustainable ministry look like in this place and time? What is our preferred future?
  2. Where might the opportunities for ministry lie?
  3. Who do we need to hear from, in the community and beyond?
  4. What models of ministry might be appropriate?
  5. What resources will we need? How can we release resources for ministry?
  6. What connections might there be to other parishes, ecumenical partners, governmental organizations and social agencies?
  7. How will the facilities support the proposed ministry?

We are currently seeking input about these questions, and any additional questions that need to be explored based on our circumstances. We would like to obtain feedback by early April.

It is not yet time to answer the questions themselves. That will come later. There is more work to do first.

Your support, prayer, and input at this time will be invaluable in moving forward at this and every step along the way.

Respectfully submitted by,
Georgia Roberts, Judy Darling and the Rev’d Brian Kauk, MAP team members
