Parish Council Highlights – March and April 2013


The summer worship calendar is now available.  It gives the schedule of joint worship services for St. Mark’s, St. Richard’s and St. Michael’s from Sunday June 30 to Thursday August 29.  A copy of the calendar is included in your parish mailing.  Other copies are available in the link.  Please keep this calendar handy and plan to come to church this summer as often as you can.

Dr. Donald Russell (ARCCO(ChM), DipRSCM) has agreed to take direction of the choir and play the organ for the rest of April, May and June. Donald comes to us with a great deal of enthusiasm and love of sacred music, and a wide variety of gifts and experience. As well as an impressive CV in Church Music, Donald is a Professor in the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University. Here’s to a year-end to the choir programme that will really fly!

St. Mark’s Parish Nurse now has her own page on the St. Mark’s website.  Go to to access a wealth of information about the ministry and about health and wellness resources.  You can contact our Parish Nurse, Janet, by phone  ( 613-224-7431 ext 202), by email ( or by dropping by her office on Tuesday mornings between 9 and noon.

Parish Council approved the expenditure of a portion of our undesignated memorial funds for replenishing our supply of altar linens, for a copper planter to upgrade the prayer station at the front of the church and for book purchases for the parish library.  Parishioners are invited to submit proposals for other special projects or items which could be considered for memorial expenditures.

Parish Council approved the following utilization of GIFT funding proposed by the GIFT Allocation Committee: (i) an increase of the allocation to Parish Nursing by $2300  in 2013, to maintain the current level of service; and (ii) as outreach to the community, an allocation of $3000 to Debra Dynes Family House in 2013, to bring our giving to DDFH close to our traditional levels.   The GIFT Allocation Committee is also investigating ways to improve communication at St. Mark’s.

Full minutes of the meetings are available at
