In the Link


Each month, the church office receives a package of posters and flyers from the Diocese, promoting events of general interest.  You know that bulletin board crammed with stuff that we affectionately call ‘wallpaper’?

I’m trying something different.  This month, I placed each flyer in a binder, which is attached to my ‘Rector’s Ramble’ bulletin board.  Feel free to flip through the binder whenever you are by at the church.  If you see something that interests you, make a note (there’s paper and a pencil right there) or ask me about it, and we’ll investigate together.

The most recent items I have placed in the link include:

Clinical Pastoral Education – The Ottawa Hospital – St. Paul University Program

Leadership Development – Centre for Christian Studies

 Community Activators – Congregational Development Subcommittee

Subsidized Green Audits – Creation Matters/Environment Subcommittee

Greening Faith Groups – Creation Matters/Environment Subcommittee

Annual Garden Party and Fashion Show – Cornerstone Housing for Women

The Spring 2013 Newsletters from Cornerstone and the Well/la Source are also there.

You can also download a PDF of the posters here.
