In her footsteps


Welcome to Mark This Word, “after” edition — that is, “after” the enthusiastic and dedicated attentions of its original editor, Sheila Vaudrey.  Sadly, we bid Sheila farewell when she passed away in early September.  We know that she would have wanted us to carry on with this important parish communication tool, and we hope that it will continue to grow and flourish.

You the readers will help in this effort, by offering ideas, articles, thoughts and even pictures, if you have them, to document the life of St Mark’s through all of its special seasons.  We encourage you to let us know what you would like to see in future editions.  Just contact us by emailing us at

Over the past year, we have celebrated the lives and mourned the loss of a number of parishioners, including Sheila most recently. Each of these members of our parish family shared special gifts with us.  If you have a memory to share about any of them, we would love to hear from you.
