Shrove Tuesday onwards ….


February 17 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper     5-7pm

February 18 – Ash Wednesday Services     10am and 7:30pm
February 22 – Choral Evensong     4:30pm
to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the dedication of St Mark’s
Dedication History
February 24, 1955: St Mark’s new church building was dedicated by Bishop E. S. (Ernie) Reed.
In his sermon, Bishop Reed told the congregation that evangelism is not for the clergy alone, but for everyone. “That is one of the greatest challenges today,” he said. “You have a duty and an obligation. You belong to the priesthood of the laity.”
He also pointed out that the church belonged to God and to the people, and as such should be “a light and a witness to the world.”
The bishop noted that for many, the church would be the focal point of this congregation, and that much work of many people had already gone into “this beautiful and significant House of God.”
The church, with its modern “unusual” design, was constructed of BC cedar. Reports of the day state that architect J.W. Strutt’s aim was to obtain, with modern design, materials and building techniques, a similar effect as that obtained in ancient churches, that carried the eye and the mind heavenward … a sense of mystery and awe with the feeling of distance.
February 22, 2015: St Mark’s is holding an evensong to commemorate the 60th anniversary of this service, as we continue in our duty and obligation to be a light and a witness to the world.
Come and join us.