St Mark’s Celebrates Queen’s 90th Birthday


Birthday Party for Queen Elizabeth at St. Mark’s 
As part of our patronal weekend for St Mark the Evangelist, April 23rd saw a huge birthday party take place at St. Mark’s where 120 revellers celebrated the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth. Party-goers were treated to a roast beef dinner with wine, followed by an outstanding performance of music by Garth Hampson, accompanied by pianist Saundra Vandenburg. Performing some of the queen’s favourite tunes and some very humorous songs, Garth kept the audience entertained and laughing all evening. There was a toast to the queen, a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday”, and a large birthday card signed by all in attendance that was sent to Her Majesty. St. Mark’s parishioner Terry Frederick did a fantastic job as master of ceremonies for the event.
