Lent 4: Connections



Morning Prayer

The video:  https://youtu.be/4Aqy_15nVs4

Please join us in celebrating Morning Prayer for March 22, 2020.  You will find links for both the video and a print copy of the service.  Sit down, enjoy the readings and the sermon.  After the postlude, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy a virtual coffee hour by getting in touch with one of the people you enjoy chatting with on Sunday morning at coffee hour. 

Although there are no intercessions in this service, at the end of the bulletin, you will find the prayer cycles for this week.

St Mark’s Electronic Newsletter

During the time when public worship is suspended, we feel it is important to try and keep in touch with each other.  To that end, we will be sending out a newsletter toward the end of each week.  If anyone has anything to contribute in the coming weeks, I encourage you to contact the church office.  Click on the link to see the newsletter.

Diocesan News:


Bishop John Chapman’s statement regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19) as well as guidelines to be observed in the Diocese of Ottawa effective immediately.

  • Click here to find out Diocesan web page link
  • Click here for Bishop’s latest Statement
  • Click here for Pastoral Letter from the Bishop
  • Click here for the letter from The Office of the Metropolitan of Ontario
  • Click here to find out info about Virtual Services in the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa
