Maundy Thursday + Vigil


St Mark’s – COVID-19
there will be no Church Services
or activities until further notice 


The Stripping of the Altar
with an invitation to Prayer Vigil.
The introit is the traditional introit for Maundy Thursday, Ubi caritas:

Where charity and love are, God is there.
By the love of Christ we have been brought together:
let us find in him our gladness and our pleasure;
may we love him and revere him, God the living,
and in love respect each other with sincere hearts.
Where charity and love are, God is there.

Vigil:  watch with me one hour 
The prayers and Scripture readings are offered as suggestions.
Please use them if they are helpful to you.
The beginning of each Vigil hour
In the past God spoke through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in the last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.
Through Jesus, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name.
Praise the Lord!
Passages from Scripture
A Call to Remembrance Exodus 12
A Call to Serve John 13:4-5, 12-17
A Call to Love John 15:9-14,16-17
A Call to Love and Serve Mark 14:26
Psalm 105
The Lord’s Prayer
Just as our Lord left the Upper Room and led His disciples to the garden to spend the evening in prayer, so leave this room in silence, with an attitude of prayer and reflection.
Concluding Prayers Good Friday Morning
Merciful Savior,
We have traveled this long, dusty Lenten journey.
Our feet are tired, dirty, aching, and calloused.
You have shown us Your love by becoming a humble servant.
Humble us when we try to travel without You.
As Christ has washed us, so let us wash one another.
Humble us when we believe some work is below us.
As Christ has washed us, so let us wash one another.
Humble us when we are too proud to accept help,
or care, or love.
As Christ has washed us, so let us wash one another.
Humble us when we do not fully receive the gift of Your amazing
and bountiful grace.
As Christ has washed us, so let us wash one another.




Most Holy God,
Today we remember the suffering and death of Jesus our Christ.
Grant in Your mercy
that we may draw near to Christ,
hanging in the balance, high on the cross.
Stir in our hearts the memory
that there is no resurrection without crucifixion.
Into Your hands we commit our spirits,
this day and forever more. Amen.
