October 18: Opening our doors


St Mark’s – COVID-19
we are gradually opening our doors  

Join us for Morning Prayer  –  on-line below

The Eucharist service will only be in-person at the
9 am church service – see ‘Opening Our Doors’ below 

Re-Opening News 

Amber Stage – September: 
Getting Ready to Open our Doors  –    see updated 

St Mark’s     Opening Our Doors
St Mark’s     Q&A      updated
Diocesan      Plan      updated
St Mark’s     Web      on-going changes

Weekly News # 29



Join us for Morning Prayer

October 18  –  Morning Prayer
Service Video

Diocesan Updates

In this Together:  COVID-19 Plan
Diocese of Ottawa – Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario

In this Together  – Letter
In this Together – Diocesan Plan      updated
In this Together – Parish Guide 

diocesan email for COVID-19 questions: C19helpdesk@ottawa.anglican.ca.
