Parish Nursing Ministry – Farewell


Trinity Sunday saw the end of an era for St Mark’s – the Parish Nursing Ministry. We said ‘goodbye’ to Janet Helmer our last PN and welcomed back Patti Robillard our first PN, as we celebrated the 12 years of their ministry with us.


Brenda Zanin, our ‘poet in residence’ wrote
Ode to St Mark’s Parish Nurse Ministry.  
It began with the words

St Mark’s has, for years, been blessed
With nurses ranked among the best
Whose gifts of wisdom and of caring
Have truly been beyond comparing. …

and ended with
The time has come for us to part
But our farewell is from the heart
Like shawls that round your shoulders fold
Our thanks surround you, and we hold
The gifts you shared in high esteem
May God’s bright smile upon you gleam!

Thank you Patti and Janet for your years of dedication to our parishioners
