St Mark’s – a busy Spring


Ladies Card Party May 18
A walk down memory lane, when over 80 ladies came for lunch. The ladies held a Card Party – just like they used to when the parish was started. Special sandwiches and dessert, were ‘create’ using  post-war recipes. Lots of laughs and wonderful fellowship.
Seniors’ Eucharist & Lunch June 1
Over 40 people attended the  Seniors’ Eucharist, which turned out to be Fr Brian’s last seniors service and lunch. During lunch, guests were enthusiastically entertained by the children’s choir from St Rita’s school. For many these gatherings are the only chance to meet ‘old’ friends. A good time was had by all.
Big Give June 4
On a perfect sunny day, close to 60 people dropped in for St Mark’s second Big Give on June 4, including our friends from Bethel Pentecostal, who were doing a spring clean-up on their way to a BBQ at Debra-Dynes. They cleaned, and we provided sustenance on the way. Community at work! We even had a bouncy castle for the young – and some not so young.
Tales & Tunes June 5
The North Winds Brass Quintet and Ottawa Storytellers entertained a large audience in the sanctuary on June 5th. About 75 people attended. The music, stories, snacks and beverages were all greatly appreciated by those who attended, including many from outside the parish.
