Welcome to St Mark’s


A big WELCOME to St Mark’s 
Sunday June 26 was a time of welcome at St Mark’s. We had four baptisms followed by the annual church picnic. This year at the picnic we welcomed seven new families to our growing church family, some coming with roots in far-a-way places like Asia, Egypt, Spain, South Sudan, Syria and Kenya.
A big welcome to you all.


The Church School children sang, and the picnic raised funds and goods for Iqaluit.

Music & Food for Iqaluit
In August, Thomas Pilson, former Junior chorister and now Senior choir member, is going to Iqaluit as a counsellor for the annual Iqaluit Music Day-Camp. Each traveller is allowed 2 bags of 70 lbs each. They have been asked to try and fill them with food for the Iqaluit Soup Kitchen and goods that are always hard to find at a reasonable cost in the north. They’ve also been told the golden rule is always bring food. So we are trying to help fill Thomas’s bags. Fresh produce will be sent from funds raised at the picnic. 
