Advent to Christmas




At the very heart of our Christian faith is our belief that in the child Jesus, born from the womb of his mother Mary, God and humanity were connected in a way never before present in the world. We are incapable of fully expressing the significance of this truth, but we pray that during Advent we are able to experience the true meaning of Christmas -that God so loved the world that he gave us Jesus.

Advent is about Jesus’ coming in history at Bethlehem, as well as his second coming to us in majesty at the end of time. Of course we always celebrate the fact that Jesus is with us in the here and now by gathering to hear God’s Word, to pray, to share in the Eucharist, and by caring for those in need in the community where God has placed St. Mark’s.

In all of our Advent activities we can catch glimpses of the Jesus who is in our midst here and now and who will, one day, return in glory. We try to find time for quiet thought and prayer, to reflect on the wonder of God’s love and allow Jesus to touch our hearts and minds. We can respond to God’s gift – Jesus – by reaching out to the poor, the cold, the hungry, the isolated and those who live on the margins of our society and by reaching out to the sick and the bereaved. We can pray for peace and justice on earth and ask God to guide us so that we may be instruments of God’s kingdom of peace, joy, hope and love in the world God loves.

Throughout the year, we try to show our gratitude to all God has done for us through generous service to those who need our help. The Season of Advent gives us an opportunity to focus on the continuation of the mission and ministry entrusted to us by Jesus.

May you all have a blessed Advent.

The Rev. Canon Jim Roberts
