Parish Council Highlights – October 2012


There will be a Seniors’ Service and Lunch on Wednesday, Nov 21 at 11am. Janet Helmer is coordinating the effort, and will need help with driving and serving lunch.

The Advent Carol Service will be held on Dec 2 at 10am. This is the first Sunday of Advent. Fr Brian is not planning to have Communion at that service. There will be Communion at 8 am.

The Nine Lessons and Carols service will be held on Dec 23 at 4:30 pm. Arrangements for food after the service will be announced closer to the event.

We are beginning to compile a parish directory of people who consent to have their names and contact information distributed to one another. This directory would provide a means by which we can stay in touch with each other. You may soon be approached to determine whether you would like to be listed in the directory.

On October 10, we received a cheque from Hydro Ottawa for $2,550. This brings are solar income to date to $8,125.

At the end of September, the current year’s expenditures exceeded the current year’s income by only ~$4,500. That is very good for this time of year since the budgeted shortfall was $30,500. Our collections income is at the budgeted level. Our rental income is double what was budgeted due to income from the daycamp over the summer and from new regular rentals. Our expenses were less since we closed the office over the summer, the parish nurse was not hired until September (instead of the budgeted April) and our gas consumption was significantly lower due to a warm winter last year. This is good news. If we can continue this level of commitment, we may break even at the end of the year, rather than the projected deficit of $15,000.

Full minutes of the meeting are available at
