Changes to COVID restrictions


Changes to COVID restrictions

The diocese entered into the Green stage of the Pandemic plan on June 1.  In its communiqué, it states “It’s increasingly clear the pandemic is not going away any time soon and entering the Green stage, rather than just saying “we’re back to normal”, is an important symbol that we are still operating under the pandemic plan—and an acknowledgment that restrictions could increase again if the virus resurges (as it has the two previous falls, after more open summers).”

At St Mark’s, we will stay in modified yellow (status quo) during the month of June with some gradual changes throughout the month.

  • Masks are still required until further notice.
  • No Proof of Vaccine required to enter the church as of June 5
  • The table at the front of the nave will be removed June 12 and Communion will be administered at the rail. Distance must be maintained.
  • The Peace is status quo until further notice.
  • ¼ of the nave will remain with “distancing tape” until further notice.