Help needed


This call-out is going out on behalf of Sheila Vaudrey. Sheila sold her house and plans to move over the next month or so to her new home. Sheila is LIVING with cancer – to the fullest – but the new chemotherapy sucks the energy right out of her.  Not her spirit though!

Two windows of opportunity have been set aside for St Mark’s parishioners to help. Sheila has set aside:

Friday, December 14 (two hours in the afternoon)


 Tuesday, December 18 (also two hours in the afternoon)

If you have some time to spare on either of those days and can help with packing for the move, Sheila would very much appreciate it. Janet Helmer (parish nurse) and I are coordinating efforts, so please call us at 613-224-7431 (me at extension 201, Janet at 202). Or you can simply reply to this email, and we’ll be in touch.

We also need boxes. If you are able to volunteer, bring them with you. If you can’t join the party, but have suitable boxes, bring them with you to Church on Sunday. Or let us know, and we’ll find someone to come get them.

Thanks in advance to everyone who offers to help. I’m sure as a community that cares, we can get this done.
