Events for celebrating St Mark’s 75th anniversary are now being firmed up. There are other events being investigated so keep your eye on this space. The events that have been scheduled so far are:
Sunday April 21: The kickoff for our celebrations takes place after the 10 am service, with a light lunch and a 75th birthday cake for St Mark’s Day. There will also be a display of St Mark’s historical material and Bill Barber will make a brief presentation about the architecture of the church.
Saturday June 22: A Strawberry Social, organized by the Mother’s Union, will begin at 2 pm. To cover costs, tickets will be sold in advance.
Saturday September 28: At 2 pm there will be concert in the church by Aged in Harmony. This will be followed by refreshments in Bishop Reed Hall.
Sunday October 6: This will be the windup celebration of the anniversary. There will be s special 10 am church service, including confirmation, with Bishop Shane Parker in attendance. This will be followed by lunch in Bishop Reed Hall.