MTW Newsletter … coming soon


Celebrating Grandparents

Blessings at St Mark’s have flowed from parents to children to children’s children, and recently the congregation celebrated our grandparents. This started out with Grandparents’ Sunday on Sunday, November 24, 2013, organized by Membership Chair Cynthia Greer, with family and friends from St Mark’s church school and Mothers’ Union. The church was full of three-generation families, sheep, flags and crowns, and a joyous celebration was had by all.


Grandparents’ Sunday was also nearest to the feast day of St Cecelia, the patron saint of music, so it seemed appropriate for the choir to recognize three present-day choristers who just happen to be grandparents as well. Between them, they have over 130 years of choral ministry at St Mark’s – Jenny Morphew (40 years), Bruce Lodge (43) and Ray Davidson, now the longest serving chorister with nearly 50 years. An accomplishment of note!

bjr2b Bruce, Jenny and Ray with Choir President Kate Greer-Close and Choir Director Ariane Dind


At Christmas one of our grandmothers – a wearer of many hats within St Mark’s – produced the Christmas Pageant. Cynthia Greer, with help from daughter Kate, had to look no further than her own family, by gathering nine of her 11 grandchildren to star in the nativity story. A wholly family affair. x5


Then, in January, two more grandparents were honoured with a special ‘thank you’ breakfast. Lorne and Connie Bowerman have been at St Mark’s for 60 years. Their involvement has included maintaining church property, gardening, working as treasurer and on finances, church fundraising, organizing and running rummage sales, serving as envelope secretary, establishing our website, not to mention hosting strawberry teas, pancake suppers and parish breakfasts. Enjoy your retirement, Connie and Lorne.

Sheila Pitt presents plaque to Lorne and ConnieSheila Pitt presents plaque to Lorne and Connie Bowerman
