Art Show a family affair


CJHrnchiarOcean waves crash over rugged coastal rocks. Autumn leaves flutter down on wooded country lanes. Flowers bloom in vibrant spring colours. These are some of the beautiful paintings by Nepean resident Janet Hrnchiar (pronounced “hernshire”) that now hang in homes throughout the region.
Janet sold the paintings over the past 30-plus years at the spring Art Show held every year at St Mark’s Anglican Church on Fisher Avenue. Some 40 artists display their works on panels in the church hall, and the choices for purchasers range from large abstracts to tiny, detailed miniatures. Landscapes, portraits, multi-media works – all types of original art are available. While many artists are longtime participants like Janet, this year nine newcomers will be displaying their talents as well.
Janet and her husband Chris can recite a long list of family members who have also shared their artistic talents at the show.
“My aunt, Joan Anderson, was a member of St Mark’s in 1976,” says Janet, “and she and my uncle, Charlie Anderson, urged us to participate.”
Janet and her mother, the late Dorothy Robb, were attending painting classes every week, so they had plenty of works to exhibit and sell. Dorothy contributed works to the art show regularly every spring for years.
“St Mark’s made a presentation to her at its 25th anniversary art show for being the longest exhibitor,” Janet recalls.
When it opens on April 11, Janet will be there, next to her panel of paintings, as she has been since she was in her 20s. By her estimation, she has sold well over 100 works over the years.
Chris Hrnchiar broke new ground when he asked if he could put his photographs out for sale. Now two or three others also display photos. Chris’s nature scenes, flowers and birds are all unique, one-of-a-kind pictures, framed and ready for hanging.
Another family member, Chris’s father Andrew, joined in the family hobby in the late 1980s after he retired from his career as a child psychiatrist and took up oil painting. He passed away last fall, but his memory lives on in his colourful landscapes, many of which he sold at the art show.
“It’s really a community affair,” Janet says. “On the day of the show, we reconnect with people who have shown their works in previous years.”
This special event is held in the hall at St Mark’s, just south of Meadowlands at 1606 Fisher Avenue. Admission is $2 and in addition to viewing the paintings, patrons may enjoy a break at the church’s tea room. The one-day show on Saturday, April 11 runs from 10:30 am to 3 pm. For further information, call 613-224-8510.

Brenda Zanin
