Christmas and New Year


Church School and Choristers
spread the Good News at Christmas


The last few years, St Mark’s Church School children have put on a special pageant for Christmas. This year was no exception.

Written and directed by Cynthia Greer, Nursery coordinator, and assisted by Kate Greer-Close, Church school leader, each pageant has followed the lectionary. This year the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah and Malachi foretold Christ’s birth. Twenty children and youth took part, following the Sung Eucharist on December 20, with readings and singing, and re-enacting the nativity, bringing “good tidings of great joy” to the whole congregation.

Glory to God in the highest heaven. 

The new Junior Choir also sang at the Christmas Eve 7:00 pm service,
with a little help from their friends.



St Mark’s wishes you all a
Blessed and Happy New Year
