How busy are you during Holy Week?


If your household is anything like mine, every week is a busy week, and it seems like each one is busier than the last. Taking time out of our busy lives to make sense of our faith should be a priority, but so are work schedules, volunteer activities, kids’ and grandkids’ activities, grocery shopping, and spending time with family and friends. Oh, and sleep.

I encourage everyone to come to all the Holy Week services at St Mark’s (see Sunday’s notices for a schedule, or visit The beauty and power of liturgy cannot be experienced any other way. But I know that may not be a realistic option for everyone.

As a church, we must find ways to keep these practices alive. We cannot afford to lose sight of the importance of this annual journey with Christ. To that end, you may want to check out a website called Faith at Home. Written by an at-home mom and Episcopalian who shares things you can do at home to make this week a meaningful time with Jesus.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll find:

Palm Sunday
Make Easter cards for family and godparents.

Bring palm fronds or palm crosses home from Sunday service; put some palm fronds with the household cross or crucifix, put the palm crosses up in each person’s bedroom, or learn to weave palm fronds into objects to enjoy.

Plant some flowers!

Monday – Thursday
Finish as many household chores and Easter preparations as possible during this time. There is an old tradition of thoroughly cleaning house in the days before sundown on Holy Thursday. Get what you need for the meals of Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Day, so you don’t need to run errands then.

Arrange for Friday and Saturday to be quiet family days, with few or no outside activities scheduled.

Make a special Easter bread now if it will keep until Easter morning. On Holy Thursday, make hot cross buns for Good Friday.

Follow thes links for more tips for Holy Week on the Faith at Home website.

Good Friday   Holy Saturday   Great Vigil   Easter Day
