New COVID Procedures


In-person worship continues at St Mark’s at both 8 and 10 a.m.  However there are some modifications of COVID procedures beginning 5 December 2021.  Please be mindful of the following:

  1. The COVID procedures at the 8 a.m. service remain unchanged.
  2. All persons attending the 10 a.m. service will be required to provide proof of full vaccination either electronically or paper document and provide an approved government picture identification (drivers licence, Ontario photo ID, passport, etc.).
  3. All persons involved with the 10 a.m. service, as well as those attending, are requested to enter through the Link doors only. This will ensure that everyone will have shown proof of full vaccination and have provided contact information prior to the commencement of the service.
  4. Pre-registration is recommended for either service, but particularly for the 10 a.m. service, since capacity limits will be in place in the nave until further notice. Pre-register through the office by calling 613-224-7431 or by emailing  And don’t forget to specify which service you wish to attend.
  5. For either service, masks are mandatory at all times while inside the building, with physical distancing strongly encouraged.
  6. There will continue to be no indoor social time after either service until further notice.

Also, please continue to follow these additional protocols at both services:

  • Make sure you are feeling well
  • Check that you do not have any of the COVID indicators. Questions for self-screening are on the exterior Link door
  • Sanitize your hands on entry
  • Maintain social distancing while in the building
  • Depart church as quickly as possible after the service.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and patience
