Update on COVID restrictions


Throughout the pandemic, the response of the diocese to the reality of the virus has been science-based and in line with public health. Effective  Sunday, October 30th, all liturgical leaders — including clergy, choirs, servers, chalice bearers, readers, intercessors, and sidespeople/greeters — must wear a mask before, during and after services except when speaking into a microphone, eating or drinking.

The masks will, of course, help keep those who lead worship and our congregations safe from infection. However, they will also send an important message to people who have stopped wearing masks to return to them. Please make that message explicit—encourage people to protect themselves and others by wearing masks when they come to church and urge them to get their bivalent vaccine shot.

Please note this requirement does not mean we are changing stages in our pandemic plan: we remain in Green.

Effective February 15, St Mark’s will no longer offer 1/4 of the nave with distancing tape but will continue to exchange the peace without contact.
