Pastoral Care – October 20, 2013 – Program Renewal



On Sunday October 20th, following the 10am service coffee hour, Janet Helmer,  our Parish Nurse, will be leading a roundtable discussion on Pastoral Care at St Mark’s. We will explore what type of  needs there are for support and care.

  • Who will help?
  • How do we engage people looking to offer their time and talents to this ministry?
  • What program guidelines need to be developed?
  • What does the leadership look like?

Come out to help discern the future of our pastoral care at St Mark’s
A light lunch – soup, bread, tea and coffee will be provided.

See St Mark’s new Parish Nursing & Pastoral Care Ministry flyer PN&PCM flyer

janetCongratulations Janet

In September Janet completed her parish nurse certification from the Institute of Catholic Formation at St Peter’s Seminary in London, Ontario. This certification followed a year of study and mentorship.
Janet is grateful for St Mark’s support in her study and looks forward to bringing these learnings into her work with the parish.
